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Freebies, Free cash, Free goodies, Woohooo!
Here's a collection of places "which make the 'net pay" in various ways.
Many of them earn money for having an ad-bar on your screen, while others
pay for receiving email, or for visiting links. Any money I make goes
towards the cost of this domain name which I bought for
The Harem . So please, click on my
links, and sign yourself up for your own money-making program.
The first two links here earn money for Charity, so even if you don't
click on any of the others, please do the world a favour and click on the first 2.
Build your downline!
New! ...
Having trouble getting referrals? Would you like some help building your downline? Sign up via my site and qualify for referral assistance. Any site with multiple referral levels is eligible. Please don't try to cheat by claiming you have signed up through me - I will check! To join in, sign up through this page and email me at rillaith@harem.org with your referral id. I will "lend" you my links, and to give everyone a fair deal, you'll be able to use these until you have 5 referrals. If you haven't been able to get any referrals yet, don't worry! Just close any accounts which you haven't earned anything/very much with so far, and rejoin through my site! I want to be able to increase the number of referrals people get from this site, so those who join in soonest will be first to benefit!
Sites which generate donations for Charity...
Click Rebates - for Charity - Earn cash for charities while you surf.
The Hunger Site - Just one click a day donates food to needy countries, where someone dies of starvation
every 3.6 seconds.
*** Please vote for me in the Top 25 Pay To Surf Stuff Sites List ***
Pay as you Surf Sites
Paid out - twice! ... AllAdvantage.com - $0.50 per hour, 5 referral levels, 25 hours/month limit, viewbar ready to download immediately. They now also have a Mac version now available for download.
Update! ... Spedia - $0.40 - $0.60 per hour, depending on advertising revenues, 1 referral level, no monthly time limit, viewbar available for immediate download. They also have paid-email, paid-signups, and paid-games (including 10,000 points for the gamer of the week).
Update! ... Get Paid 4 - Approx $0.90 per hour, or 70% of revenues, 7 referral levels, TechnoSurf Bar available for immediate download internationally, although it is still a (paid) beta version. Please use my id rillaith when it asks you for a referrer at the bottom of the sign-up form. The points rack up very quickly and generate a very good level of return; this is definitely one of the best.
GoToWorld - $0.40 per hour, 4 referral levels, 40 hours/month limit, viewbar available immediately, and UK version much better now!
Update! ... Cash Surfers - Rates depend on revenues, 4 referral levels, CashBar Navigator is ready for download NOW! The point rack up really fast, and the return is pretty good too. They also have bonus cashpoints for visiting webistes etc.
Update! ... ValuePay - Really good! $1 per hour, 3 referral levels. pIggy uses the unused part of your menubar to display ads. pIggy has been released to a proportion of users, and will be available to everyone else soon, they tell us. Nice! Thay have also brought in a Lucky7 Lottery - pick 7 numbers out of 21, and win prizes for matching those drawn. 1 entry per 24 hours, weekly drawings.
Desktop Dollars - $0.50 per hour, 6 referral levels, ProfitZONE (viewbar) available for immediate download.
Desktop Horizon - $0.60 per hour, 5 referral levels, Viewbar has entered beta-testing (currently this is full) and is due out fully soon.
UtopiAD - 10% of revenues from ads you view, 4 referral levels, CashBar available in US, and due soon for everyone else. Just launched - Paid Email!
ePIPO - $0.50 per hour, 5 referral levels, viewbar available in the US already.
DotAd - 90% of revenue for the ads you view, 6 referral levels, Harry the bouncing ball due out soon. Offline earning in the pipeline.
Update! ... mValue - Looks good. $0.50 per hour, 3 referral levels, viewbar available immediately. Enter "Rillaith" as referrer, if it gets dropped. Points rack up quickly and are used to generate cash alrady! Also has a lot of thought put into making your browsing as secure and private as possible.
Be Paid - Advertisers make an offer (equivalent of between $20 and $160 ber hour) which you can accept or decline. You also make a percentage of your referals revenue - looks like just 2 levels. AdVision is available for download immediately, and is available in the following countries: United States, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland.
Update! ... PaysU - UK-based, £0.30 per hour, 3 referral levels, 25 hours/month limit (but only 10 hours from your referrals), PayStation in beta testing in Europe with a release scheduled soon, and will work offline. PaysStart available now - one point for each visit to their portal page.
Paying out! ... All Paid For - Earn points which are put onto an e-debit card, which you can use for buying stuff from normal online retailers. The points add up as fast as you want, and can be exchanged for cash at any time .
Newest! ... ClickDough - 50% of revenue for your surfing, 5 referral levels, no hourly limit, surfbar available for immediate download.
Newest! ... PaidForSurf - about $0.40 per hour, with a view to increasing this, 8 referral levels, no monthly limit, personal window available to everyone immediately.
Surfmiles UK-based, 30p per hour, 5 referral levels, cashbox currently in beta-testing. Surfmiles for shopping through associate sites too.
Sharkhunt - UK-based, 25 points per hour, 4 referral levels, viewbar due out soon.
All Community - $0.50 per hour, 5 referral levels, and cash for reading emails. No date set for viewbar release.
Update! ... It Ads Up - $0.50 per hour, 5 referral levels, PCBar available in the US already.
Surfing2Cash - $0.60 per hour, 4 to 6 referral levels, cash bar available in some places already.
Prize Window - $0.50 per hour, 3 referral levels, $urfbar in beta-testing, and so far only US/Canada can benefit.
Urge2Net - 50% of revenue from ads you view, 5 referral levels, viewbar available soon.
VIP Benefits - $0.60 per hour, 3 referral levels, VIPBar due soon.
New! ... Extra $alary - $0.50 per hour, 5 referral levels, 40 hours/month limit, viewbar due soon. Also earn through their paid email program.
Banner Union - 40% of the revenue for the ads you view, and 10% for those your referrals view. 1 referral level, software due very shortly.
Profinity - Points for viewing ads and referring friends which are swappable for vouchers and stuff.
Click Rebates - A brand new program. Enter rillaith@harem.org as the referrer. No date set for their official launch.
The Deal Viewer - Earns you money and gets you good deals.
Pay to visit sites
Update! ... AdPerks - 40 points for viewing an ad for 20 secs, and 100 for visiting a site for 60 secs. View as few or as many ads and sites as you want. It works out at an average of $0.40 per hour. You also get 20% of what your referrals earn too. Points add up as quickly as you want.
Ignifuge - $0.50 each time you visit Ignifuge with their tracker active, up to 300 times per month. 5 referral levels, tracker in final testing stage and due for release soon. Their website looks like a pretty good jump-point, so this is a worthwhile sign-up. The points rack up really quikly, especially when you ahve a referral or two..
MyPoints - collect points for reading your email, visiting websites, etc.
*** Please vote for me in the Top 25 Pay To Surf Stuff Sites List ***
WEBMASTERS: Get Thousands of hits with THE BUTTON BOMBER -
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Pay to Read Email, and other stuff.
Newest! ... TheMail - Get paid for every email you receive to your free themail.com email address, and get paid for up to 16 levels of referrals too! This has to be good!
MyPoints - collect points for reading your email, visiting websites, etc.
Cool! ... iWin - Play games to win iCoins, which can be used to buy raffle tickets for big prizes or if you earn enough, to buy prizes. 1 referral level, winning you an extra coin for every 5 they win. Actually has some REALLY good games, too!
Update! ... Total e-Mail - Earns about $0.50 for each email you are sent. Also points for surveys, playing games, and visiting advertisers.
All Community - $0.50 per hour, 5 referral levels, and cash for reading emails.
Extra $alary - $0.03 per email, 3 referral levels. Also earn by surfing.
Update! ... UtopiAD - 10% of revenues from ads you view, 4 referral levels, CashBar available in US, and due soon for everyone else. Just launched - Paid Email!
Sites which earn a commission
Amazon.com - The Harem gets a small commission for books you buy through this link.
Amazon.co.uk - The Harem is also an amazon.co.uk associate.
Other Referral sites
eWanted - A reverse auction - you describe what you want, and sellers outbid each other to give it to you cheaper. Apparently.
E-Code - Self updating address book, and a web business card too. Enter rillaith@harem.org as the referrer.
Sites just for Fun!
Play EZ-Lotto and you could WIN cash! Now two drawings a week, each with a $100,000 Jackpot!
New! ... iWin - Play games to win iCoins, which can be used to buy raffle tickets for big prizes or if you earn enough, to buy prizes. 1 referral level, winning you an extra coin for every 5 they win. Actually has some REALLY good games, too!
*** Please vote for me in the Top 25 Pay To Surf Stuff Sites List ***
WEBMASTERS: Get Thousands of hits with THE BUTTON BOMBER -
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WEBMASTERS: Get Thousands of hits with THE BUTTON BOMBER -
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Page created by Sally Martin (aka Rillaith) ,
rillaith@harem.org .
Last updated: 18 February, 2000
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